(Posted First at LDS.net)
The decision to go on a mission is something that each individual has to make for his or herself. This decision can seem daunting and a little nerve-racking. This guide will help any future missionary have a plan so he or she knows what to do to start preparing for a mission.
General Guidelines and Tips
This section contains more of the general information missionaries should know.
Am I Able to Serve to a Mission?
When a young man or woman is deciding whether or not they want to go on a mission, there are several things that he or she should consider.
The church has a list of questions and requirements to help missionaries be prepared and capable of completing a mission. Understanding these questions and requirements will help you more effectively prepare for your mission as well as to know what kind of a mission is right for you.
The March 2011 Ensign featured an article that talked about how to emotionally prepare for a mission. It contains tips for parents on how to be a supportive parent to a missionary. It is very helpful article for both future missionaries and future parents of missionaries to read.
Things to Start as soon as You Know

Learning to tie a tie is not the only thing you should start learning how to do when you know you will serve a mission. (Image via LDS.net)
There are a few things that are hopefully already habits but if these aren’t, just start doing them.
- Engaging in daily prayer and scripture study
- Attending seminary or institute regularly
- Saving money
- Reading the church’s general missionary preparation guide
Engaging in Daily Prayer and Scripture Study
We want to send forth missionaries who have a testimony of the scriptures and who are spiritually prepared to be guided and instructed by the Spirit. – Ezra Taft Benson
Once you are out in the mission field, it is basically just you, your companion, and the Lord. Although you can email your family weekly, often problems or questions arise that need to be attended immediately. When this occurs, you cannot wait to send an email and then wait another week for the response. This is where daily prayer and scripture study come in.
The Holy Ghost will guide you on your mission if you take the time to develop a personal relationship with Heavenly Father through meaningful prayer and scripture study. I have often heard said, “If you want to talk to Heavenly Father, pray. If you want Him to talk to you, read the scriptures.”
Through prayer and a continual study of the scriptures, you can develop the personal testimony you will need to guide others to develop their own testimonies. As you study the scriptures, you will find answers to your own questions as well as those of your investigators. The sooner you start studying, the better.
Attending Seminary or Institute Regularly

Seminary and institute are great places for young people to have the truths they have been taught at home reiterated. (Image via LDS.net)
You will be so much more prepared to share the gospel is you attend seminary or institute.
Not only are seminary and institute a blessing, some countries require missionaries to have proof that they have studied in order for them to proselyte in their country. Seminary potential impact on your personal testimony and understanding of the gospel is important, but it is also important because it fulfills the religious education requirements so that a person can proselyte in specific countries.
Saving Money
A mission comes quicker than you think. Start saving now to help pay for the cost associated with it.
If you plan on serving a mission, you should start saving money the moment you know that is your goal. Some know this early in life. Others figure it out later. The point is, when you know you are going, start saving money for it. To learn more about the cost associated with a mission, mormonmissionprep.com is a great reference.