Juanita is not your average 122 year-old. But then again, is there such a thing as an average 122 year-old?

Probably not.

This is exactly what makes Juanita so unique and exceptional.

At the young age of 122, Juanita recently decided to make a covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ and be received into His church through baptism.

Kevin Doman, who is currently serving as the mission president in the Tuxtla Gutierrez Misión in Mexico shared some incredible pictures of Juanita’s recent baptism.

President Doman shared the following details from the baptismal service. As Juanita was gently being raised out of the water she exclaimed, “Kolabal a Jesucristo!!”, which in her native Mayan language means “Thank you Jesus Christ.”

Baptism of Juanita 122


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