(Source: FamilyShare; By: Darrel Hammon)    Everyone receives blessing in his or her life. But there are some blessings that God never wants you to forget.

Everyone receives blessing in his or her life. Most of us recognize the blessings we receive and are thankful for them and wish for more. For some it is more difficult to recognize the blessings because they may fail to see them. But there are some blessings that God never wants you to forget.

We are His children that He loves

Perhaps, the number one blessing is knowing God is our Heavenly Father who loves each of us. Knowing we have a loving Father in Heaven should help us remember He is there for us through every trial we go through. Most of our earthly fathers are our heroes, and we love them very much. Heavenly Father is the same way, and we should never forget His love, truly an eternal blessing.


The mere fact that there are hundreds and thousands of flowers for us to smell and enjoy — roses, peonies, bluebells, daisies, lilies and a zillion others. What a blessing it is to walk down the road, pass people’s gardens, hike in the mountains in the spring and summer, and visit planted gardens. All of the colors and varieties show that God loves flowers, too, and wants us to enjoy them as He does.

Second chances and His son

When you think about all the second chances one receives, you breathe a sigh of relief and whisper, “Thank you!” Without the chance to try again, we would be truly distraught and anguished. These second and third chances only come as a result of the incredible blessing of His son’s sacrifice, through which we may repent of our sins and become whole again. Often, when we make mistakes, we believe we can do nothing about it. In our lives, when we do not do what Heavenly Father wants us to do, we distance ourselves from Him. His son’s love and sacrifice allows us to come back into His presence and feel of His and His son’s warmth and spirit.

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