While the news of three apostles being sustained during General Conference seemed to be the big news, two other visitors have been garnering a great deal of attention recently on social media.

Who you ask?

Two angels, that is.

Towards the end of President Monson’s final address he appeared to have difficulty standing, and at one point was leaning on the podium to brace himself. We posted an amazing eye witness account of what President Uchtdorf was doing behind President Monson as he spoke, but an even more incredible story has surfaced that will give answer to Moroni’s question “…have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men?”

Risa Anderson Bates, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints commented the following on her Facebook page:

“Do you believe children see things we can’t? I do! My sister had her children draw the Prophet during his talk today to help them listen better.

President Monson’s health started to greatly falter towards the end of his talk, and many of us were worried. Yet he incredibly finished what he started.

My niece Saylor (age 5) did as she was told and “drew what she saw”. When my sister questioned her about the two figures on either side of him, she replied she didn’t know, but there were 2 guys!”

Read the rest at I Love The Book of Mormon